Nightfall is the beautiful huntress-counterpoint to her lifemate, Redlance, and one of the most skilled in the tribe. She is cool and calculated as a hunter, neither vengeful nor violent. She chooses her shots and kills for food and protection, nothing more. Nightfall is devoted to her gentle lifemate, Redlance. She refused to be parted from him in the Burning Waste, though she was aware it might mean her death as well as his. The relationship between Nightfall and Redlance is very much one of yin and yang. She chose to share her name with him, despite their lack of Recognition.
Nightfall is Leetah's staunchest supporter and closest friend. At least twice, Leetah has come to her aid: first in saving Redlance in the Burning Waste, when all seemed lost; and again years later, in Nightfall's personal quest to mother a child. Through helping Nightfall and Redlance Recognize each other - ie using her healing powers to cause conception - Leetah was responsible for the birth of Tyleet. Nightfall grew up with Cutter and is quite loyal to him. She helped Cutter find a measure of peace while waiting for his family to return in the Palace. She and Redlance became a second family to him and they were able to show Cutter that "life could be sweet within the waiting,"