ElfQuest: Kings of the Broken Wheel (official abbreviation: KOBW) is a 9 issue series of comics that continues the storyline from ElfQuest: Siege at Blue Mountain.
The comic can be read free online at ElfQuest.com
When the Original Elfquest began, supposedly a Cosmic Egg carrying the High Ones was descending to Abode, "the world of two moons". Rebellious trolls interfered with the navigators, and the Elves were sent backwards 20,000 years in time.
Finally, Rayek has grown mad with the potential of transcending Space and Time. He proposes to use the Palace of the High Ones for Time Travel, but impulsively elopes with Leetah, Skywise, Ember, Suntop, and Trinket before the details of the arrangement can be agreed upon.
Cutter makes a deal with Picknose to seal his kinsfolk in the caves, preserved in the endless sleep that Petalwing's Wrapstuff provides. Thus, while Rayek has left time from the world of two moons, the Wolfriders escape by hibernating; all except for Cutter, who is forced to make friends with Old Maggoty and wander the surface of his world in solitude. Thus, all the Wolfriders were abandoned on Abode were able to escape the inevitable promise of death.