Elfquest Wiki

Chief is a title used by two separate tribes of Elves, the Wolfriders and the Go-Backs, to denote their leader.



EQ Group Pic006
Elfquest Poster 3 by tmntfan1
  1. Wear a portion of their hair in a high ponytail, called the Chief's Lock
  2. Are expected to lead on an adolescent's first hunt [citation needed]
  3. Their Wolf-friend leads the Hunt


  1. Timmorn Yellow-Eyes
  2. Rahnee the She-Wolf
  3. Prey-Pacer
  4. Two-Spear
  5. Huntress Skyfire
  6. Freefoot
  7. Tanner
  8. Goodtree
  9. Mantricker
  10. Bearclaw
  11. Cutter
  12. Ember


The Go-Backs are a tribe which did not take the drastic step of crossbreeding with Wolves, yet still maintained a hard existence as hunters and gatherers. They have consciously avoided the use of magical powers, finding them debilitating.



Kahvi the Go-Backs Chief.

  1. Chiefs wear four braids in the front
  2. Chiefs lead female adolescents on a hunt, where they have to take something from the Chief [citation needed]


Since the creation of the Go-Backs, there has only been one chief: Kahvi. Unlike the Wolfriders, it does not appear that the title of Chief is passed down through the blood, after Kahvi disappears, Vok, an unrelated Elf, takes on the braids.

As such, while it is probable that Venka will lead the Go-Backs after Kahvi dies, it is not certain.
